JD Lee Sudarshan Guha PDF 4th Edition For IIT JEE

Download JD Lee Sudarshan Guha PDF – “JD Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry for JEE (Main & Advanced)” 4th Edition adapted by Sudarshan Guha and published by Wiley for acing your preparation for IIT JEE.

The book “JD Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry for JEE by Sudarsan Guha” is an adaptation of the classic book JD Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry (fifth edition), which is widely used by students preparing for JEE. This version provides a concise and relevant treatment of Inorganic Chemistry as per JEE syllabus requirements. The concepts are explained in a simple and straightforward manner. The book provides a detailed background of the subject, helping students approach the examination confidently.

Book Description

Title: JD Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry For JEE (Main & Advanced)

Adapted By: Sudarshan Guha

Edition: 4th Edition

Publisher: Wiley

Total Pages: 718

Content of JD Lee Sudarshan Guha PDF

The book in this edition has been reorganized in a manner so as to provide a more structured approach as per exam requirements. The book starts from the basic concepts such as Structure of Atom, Periodic Table to the practical aspects of Qualitative Salt Analysis, followed by a Chapter on Hydrogen and also on compounds and properties of s-, p-, d-, and f-block elements. This book consists of 12 Chapter all of which are listed below:

  1. Structure of an Atom
  2. Periodic Table and Periodic Properties
  3. Chemical Bonding
  4. Hydrolysis
  5. Coordination Compounds
  6. Metallurgy
  7. Qualitative Salt Analysis
  8. Hydrogen and its Hydrides
  9. The s-Block Elements and their compounds
  10. The p-Block Elements and their Compounds
  11. The d-Block Elements and their Compounds
  12. The f-Block Elements and their Compounds

Highlights of the Book: JD Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry Sudarsan Guha

Chapter opener with an opening description related to the topics, and contents of the chapter listed for an overview.

Reorganization of chapters as per JEE syllabus flow –Chemical Bonding combined to cover ionic, covalent and metallic bonding together. Chapters on s-block, p-block, d-block and f- block elements have been combined to form a single chapter covering just the required topics.

Additional chapters on Hydrolysis, Metallurgy and Qualitative Salt Analysis as per the JEE syllabus.

Deletion of chapters not required as per syllabus of JEE exam – Atomic Nucleus and Spectra.

Assessment as per JEE examination comprising all question types – Multiple choice question, Multiple select question, Comprehension type, Assertion-reasoning type, Numerical type and Matrix-match type.

Useful appendices with data on the abundance of elements, their physical properties such as melting and boiling points, densities, electronic structure, bond energies, solubilities, atomic weight and electrical resistivity.

Includes solved JEE Advanced 2018 Chemistry paper

New To This Edition: JD Lee Sudarshan Guha (4th Edition)

Chapter 8: Chapter on Hydrogen has been supplemented with additional content on which JEE questions are based.

Chapter 9: s-Block Elements is more precise and to the point.

Chapter 10: On p-Block Elements is now completely restructured

  • Content more pinpointed and well-organized under Groups 13 to 18
  • New question sets (all types) at the end of each group
  • Miscellaneous questions at the end of chapter

Exercises: Supplemented with more than 300 new questions across chapters

Includes the JEE Main 2019 (Jan) Chemistry Question Papers
Solutions are available at https://www.wileyindia.com/current-year-solved-paper.

JD Lee Sudarshan Guha PDF Download

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