Edubuzz Notes

JD Lee Inorganic Chemistry PDF (5th Edition) Free Download

JD Lee Inorganic Chemistry PDF Free Download. The “CONCISE INORGANIC CHEMISTRY” – Fifth Edition is written by JD Lee. The aim of the fifth edition remains exactly the same as…

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Edubuzz Notes

What is the difference between dd transition and charge transfer transition

The difference between d-d transition and charge transfer (CT) transition are as follows In the d-d transition, the transition occurs between the d orbitals of the metal. Charge transfer transition…

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Edubuzz Notes

Why is [Ti(H2O)6)] 3+ violet in colour ?

In [Ti(H2O)6)]3+, Ti3+ ion has only one electron in 3d-orbital. The electron occupies the orbital of the lowest energy, i.e., any one of the degenerate t2g orbitals. The violet/purple colour…

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Edubuzz Notes

How Mn2+(aq) ion gives light pink colour ?

In high spin octahedral d5 complexes like [Mn(H2O)6]2+, Mn2+ ion has five unpaired electrons which are filled parallelly in all the t2g and eg orbitals. Since any d-d transition involves…

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Edubuzz Notes

What is the reason for the colour of potassium dichromate?

The reason for the colour of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) is ligand to metal charge transfer (LMCT) transition. In Cr2O72-, Cr is in +6 oxidation state and have all the 3d-orbitals…

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Edubuzz Notes

Why is Δo the double of Δt ?

The crystal field splitting in octahedral complexes (Δo) is double than that in tetrahedral complexes (Δt) (i.e., Δo is double of Δt) because: (i) The number of ligands is 2/3…

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Edubuzz Notes

Why tetrahedral complexes are high spin ?

Tetrahedral complexes are high spin because (i) Δt = 4/9 Δo, i.e., tetrahedral crystal field splitting is half the crystal field splitting in octahedral complexes. (ii) Δt is always less…

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Edubuzz Notes

What are the postulates of crystal field theory ?

The postulates of crystal field theory are Ionic ligands such as Cl–, OH–, CN– are regarded as negative point charges (or simply point charges) and the neutral ligands such as…

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